Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin

Jumat, Oktober 10, 2008

After one long month, we were fasting,
Now the victory day has come..
For those hurting words that have said
And the mistakes we have done..

Forgive us,
And let's start anew
Minal aidzin wal faidzin


Posted by Yasmine Faiqotulhimmah.

It's Holiday Time!

Selasa, September 23, 2008

Akhirnya...setelah selama hampir seminggu berjuang menghadapi UTS...tibalah saatnya bagi kita merayakan liburan yang sudah di depan mata! Tanggal 25 September hingga 11 Oktober! Oleh karena itu, esok hari yang merupakan hari terakhir kita sebelum liburan panjang, alangkah baiknya kita saling memaafkan satu sama lain...

Kami segenap tim blogger dari PoiSoNs mengucapkan Minal Aidin wal Faidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin...

Posted by Eros Arsindolingga

Ramadhan tiba

Kamis, September 04, 2008

kawan-kawan yang budiman(budek,pendiem,malu2,narsis), berhubung bulan puasa telah datang, marilah kita sebelumnya saling bermaaf-maafan, supaya amal ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah SWT. amin...
dan karena itu pula kami segenap crew blogger KBI ingin menyampaikan sekaligus meminta maaf atas segala kesalahan yang pernah kami perbuat kepada anda-anda yang budiman(serius nih!)

marhaban ya ramadhan

Posted by peppy a.k.a Hanif


Kamis, Agustus 14, 2008

Kami, bangsa fence club Kbi dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaanja, hal-hal jang mengenai prostitusi dan ketidaksenonohan akan diurus dalam tempoe jang sesingkat-singkatnja,

Atas nama bangsa fence club,
Ariefka adi darmawan kargi

Dijual cepat kolor merek hi-coop nomor 36b, warna pink,renda model butterfly, haga 10000 3 biji bisa nego. Berminat hubungi Aufar di (021)88346317

Dijual cepat laptop merek Elite Group processor pentium 2, layar 15 inch, memory 30 GB, Ram 256 Mb usia 9 tahun, masih mulus semulus kulit perawan desa. Harga rp 800000 ga boleh nego,mau beli ga yaudah. Hubungi Eros di 0812345667908

Posted by peppy A.K.A hanif

Renungan korban lumpur Lapindo

Selasa, Agustus 12, 2008

Tersebutlah eros(23) salah seorang dari sekian juta korban bencana lumpur lapindo, tampak ia termenung di sebuah genangan lumpur

Eros : "18...18...18...18...18..."

seorang warga lain yang prihatinn dengan keadaan eros mendatanginya lalu berbicara padanya,

Warga : " mas, ngapain daritadi ngomong 18 mulu??"

mendadak tangan orang itu ditarik oleh eros lalu ditenggelamkanlah orang itu ke dasar genangan................

Eros : "19...19...19...19..."............................

Posted by peppy A.K.A hanif

Fence Club air black box dialogue disaster

Senin, Agustus 11, 2008

Pada tanggal 30 Februari 21234 SM, dunia penerbangan Indofencesia tengah berduka karena pada tanggal tersebut telah terjadi sebuah kecelakaan pesawat Fence club air jenis Airbus patas ac613 dengan nomor penerbangan 71717 di daerah Pondok ijo, Bekasi, Jawa barat, setelah dilakukan pencarian oleh tim SARAP, mereka berhasil menemukan black box milik pesawat tersebut, dan berikut adalah isi percakapan antara pilot Ariefka dan Co-pilot Reza...

Co-Pilot : "Aduh ah... capt...jangan dong, kita kan lagi kerja, nanti malam azza oukei???"

Pilot : " Eike udah gak tahan nih, yey cuco abis sih..."

Co-Pilot : " Aduh capt, capt, ga ada yang nyupir tuh..."

Pilot : "Biarin, toh yang ikut penerbangan kita semua penjabat dalam negeri"

Co-Pilot : " Betewe capt. semalem yang baju putih cuco juga tuh!"

Pilot : "Maksud yey bang somad?? emang dia cuco abis!"

Co-Pilot : "Bukan, tapi mbak Wulan capt."

Pilot : " Ih yey ngawur deh, aqiqa kan ga suka cencong(cewek)..."

Co-Pilot : "Aduh capt! gawat! pesawat kita akan jatuh nih capt!"

Pilot : " "Allahu akbar!(3x), mayday, mayday, pusat, airbus patas 613 lose contrrrollll!!"


Dan akhirnya tim SARAP pun menyerah dan menyerahkan kasus ini pada PT. Fence Club Airways.................

Posted by Peppy A.K.A hanif


Sabtu, Agustus 09, 2008

Suatu ketika ada sebuah pesawat adam air jatuh di daerah pedalaman Afrika, didalam pesawat tersebut, ternyata masih ada beberapa orang yang selamat yaitu aufar, eros, dan reza, akhirnya setelah berkelana jauh tanpa perbekalan, mereka terdampar di sebuah perkampungan suku primitif, yakni suku Fence Club...

saat mereka terbangun, kepala suku Fence Club yaitu Ariefka menyambut mereka, para pelancong terdampar semua bingung, mereka tidak mengerti apa yang dikatakan oleh Ariefka, tapi ia menyebut-yebut Mr. Bon kurei terus, sehingga ia disebut oleh Mr. Bon kurei...

Ariefka tidak sendirian, ia datang bersama dua asistennya, Sammy dan B.J...

Ariefka : "gfhivdevjv;sehbg;jvhulbvjh!!!"(kenapa kalian bisa sampai disini? kalianberasal dari mana!"
Sammy : "ghbvyrgvjsgljgh!!"(cepat jawab!!)

Aufar : "saya aufar, saya ingin ke new yoink,tapi pesawat yang saya naiki mengalami kecelakaan, semua meninggal, hanya kami bertiga yang masih hidup"

Eros : "saya sangat lapar, adakah makanan disini??"

Ariefka : (setelah ditranslate) "kalian boleh pilih, mau dibunda atau dihukum mati??"

Aufar : "saya mau dibunda saja, karena saya ada meeting"

B.j : "hahahahaha...."

Ariefka : "nah anda boleh pergi,"

Aufar : "aduh...aduh...(memegang bokong sambil tertatih-tatih)"

Reza : "mamah...eja atut...mah...huuuuu..."

Ariefka : "nah eza, karena kamu anak baik, kamu dibunda 5 menit saja bersama Sammy ya??"

....beberapa jam kemudian....

Reza : "aku ga mau pulang!aku mau disini aja!"

Sammy : "hosh...hosh...ampun bo...!cuco abis!"

Eros : " daripada saya tersiksa, saya mau dihukum mati saja!!"

Ariefka, B.J, Sammy : "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.....!!!"

Ariefka : " baiklah, kalau begitu anda akan kami bunda sampai mati!!!!!"

Eros : "emaaaakkkk....,trojan tuh!eh tictac aaaah...."

Posted by peppy a.k.a hanif

Favorite Food in Poisons

Rabu, Agustus 06, 2008

If you having problem about what to eat either breakfast,lunch,or anything,let me give you some suggestion about KBI's favorite food...

1.Bur-yam, well, i thought you dont think like i do, the KBI's Bur-yam is different from that you think, It is "DuBUR aYAM".....(hold for applause)/(or rather wait for anybody to scream)

2.Tic-tac!!!! it is not the tic-tac i'm talking about, but more about the actor "Mr. Adul". You dont think it is funny huh?? Well you will change your mind after you saw eros laughing! (HE IS A HULK ANYWAY!!!) watch out.

3.Anything from Ariefka Kido's house...because it's FRESH FROM "OVEN"!

So... that is favorite food on KBI i promise i will change the content dependant on how the response of all you guys...last word,peace under trojan and rider!!!

posted by hanif a.k.a peppy

New addition in our class


There is a new student in Poisons
He will replace Hasna's place

Can he still be normal after he joined POISONS??
Wait for the next info!!


English Artaholic in UNISMA

Sabtu, Agustus 02, 2008

Tuesday, March 18th 2008...English Artaholic arranged. Just from the name we can know what competition it is. Yup, the competition that arranged is all about English...There're 4 categories that competed : 1. Drama Competition, 2. Speech Contest, 3. Short Story (Cerpen), 4. Poetry. We, KBI, represent our school SMAN 1 Bekasi in order to compete at Drama Competition, Short Story, dan Poetry, whereas for Speech Contest is from our senior.

Theme for this year is Goes Green. For the drama, there are 17 students of POISONS that participated. These 17 students called PEACE 17. The main story of this drama is about a hero that guard the city in order to keep the city clean. That hero named PEACEMAN. But, actually that PEACEMAN is afraid of cockroach!!! In the end of story, that PEACEMAN just can talk about cleaness without doing anything to get the city clean. Finally the real hero is garbage pickers (pemulung)!!!!Because everyday they clean the city without feel tired and without many talk just like PEACEMAN...so give appreciate to The Garbage Pickers!

Pictures : Sammy (Garbage picker), Dino (Cockroach), Aufar (PEACEman)

After all of the competition have completely done. In the afternoon, the announcement of the winner finally announced...alhamdulillah our team in Drama Competition got second place, then for poetry got first place, Speech Contest and Short Story got second place. Honestly, we felt disappointed about the prize that we got for Drama and Short Story category because the prize was just "CLOCK"!!! Whereas, that competition wasn't just for one city but for some city around Jakarta. We hope for the next competition, the committee of UNISMA can gift the prize that appropriate with the work of contestant.

Gallery from English Artaholic in UNISMA:

Posted by Eros Arsindolingga

To Our Visitor in This Blog...

First of all...we want to say THANKS to welcome to our's blog...By the way, do you know POISONS? POISONS is Pioneer of International Standart Class On Smansasi...In this blog, you will find every information about us...so take a good seat and a cup of coffee...let's enjoy...^_^

Our Friendster